Life is about more than working out

I’m Kirsty Hutton, a Personal Trainer who knows that exercise and physical fitness are just a small part of what makes someone happy and healthy. I’m also a journalist, author, blogger and systems manager.

Life is complex. We’re all busy. I get it, but I also know we’re all trying to be the best version of ourselves. When I find ways that help me, I love to share them.

Kirsty Hutton PT

I’m big on setting goals, making plans and following though on the steps needed to achieve your dreams. I’m also a huge fan of increasing energy in any way I can (so I put butter in my coffee and take cold showers).

Friends and clients often ask me for some simple exercises they can do at home to get them moving – I’ve put some ideas together over on the Resources page. You can download some workouts or watch a video to get some ideas.

If you’re stuck on what your goals are, or don’t have clear steps, there’s a worksheet on the Resources page that can help get you started too.

Below are some of my latest articles on self-optimisation, motivation and productivity. 

Find what works for you and do that.


Don't forget to check out the resources page for some free downloads. 

Some other useful articles